Command line server for the IE driver has stopped working error | Selenium C# Forum
mai Posted on 06/03/2019


Wondering if anyone has got error in IE 11 with selenium driver .. ( I have tried a lot of different selenium driver versions), still get thise  error  "command line server for the IE driver has stopped working"

It happens random. Sometimes it does not haappen at all . any suggestions what might be causing it ? and possible solutions to try




gunjan Replied on 06/03/2019

Which IEDriverServer.exe version are you using? If you are using the latest version, try downgrading it to some older version and then retry.

mai Replied on 06/03/2019

Yes i am using the latest selenium.

thanks gunjan. I wI'll try using different version

mai Replied on 09/03/2019

Hi gunjan

Which version do u recommend ?been testing lots of versions...still see same issue..really hard to determine best version because issue is random

Support Desk Replied on 29/05/2019

Please update the browser from windows update and then try again with the latest version of the driver.

mai Replied on 09/06/2019

u can close this question, thanks Gunjan