Regarding Hybrid Framwork | Selenium C# Forum
Moumeeta Das Posted on 01/07/2019

Hi Gunjan

Completed session 15 of Module 18, How to run all the test cases at one go? If user have TestCase1, TestCase2 and he wants to be run both test case at a time then what I need to change in Test.cs dataSource? Do I need to call two times the getData () function??

public static object[] getData()
return DataUtil.getData(xls, "TestCase1");



public static object[] getData()
return DataUtil.getData(xls, "TestCase2");



if I do so then it prompts a message as Type 'Test' already defines a member called 'getData' with the same parameter Types.


Kindly correct me if I'm wrong.

gunjan Replied on 16/07/2019

If you want to run two test cases at the same time, then you need to add [Parallelizable] attribute to the [TestFixture] annotation.