How to set up
--capture = fd
--alluredir = "...." parameters in pycharm
Tried this way
But getting following error
ERROR: usage: _jb_pytest_runner.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...]
_jb_pytest_runner.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --alluredir=D:/Kalpana/learnbay_python/allurereports
inifile: None
rootdir: D:\Kalpana\learnbay_python\pytest_training
Please suggest
Thank you
09914040666 Replied on 01/03/2021
This error indicates that the allure package is not imported in the project. Add the allure package using the same steps you added selenium in your project.
Thank you for the reply. We import selenium into project after installing the pakage.
But i didnt understant your statement -" Add the allure package using the same steps you added selenium in your project."
I installed allure and it is shown in list of packages. Now how shall i move forward to use allure reports in pycharm.
Thank you
Please ignore the above reply. My allure issue got solved.
Thank you.
09914040666 Replied on 03/03/2021
Thank you for the update.